Be Generous

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Yesterday, an interesting moment. I need a five dollar bill. And I asked my 13 year old and 8 (soon to be 9) year old. I asked my younger daughter 1st. She said, why don’t you go ask mom? My 13 year old was listening, she already went to her piggy bank. She didn’t have 2 five(s). I said it’s okay, I will give you 10 and and you gave me the dollar bills (6). No judgement I hope one day young daughter can be as generous as her big sister.

Btw, I gave my older daughter an Amex Gold card yesterday too. I plan to give my younger one a Chase Debit Card at her 9th birthday. Different banks have different age limit for credit or debit card. I think for Chase the age limit for debit card is 7. Also note I usually pay off all the credit card balance each month. So in other words I receive all the reward points for free (or almost free if we don’t consider the annual fees). I just noticed there is a 5,000 points reward if the new cardholder spends $2,000 in the first 6 month. I don’t think my 13 year will spend that much. And I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to spend that much either. More on the credit card and rewards on another post.

More about the Amex gold card – My 13 year old got her 1st CC. It’s an Amex Gold (technically it’s a charge card, which means there is no credit limit I think). It does provide the typical protection that a CC provides such as loss and theft. Yesterday I realized she will be herself, graduate from college and start working in 10 years. Our younger one will be in college too. || Time really flies. I remember when I was new to America, I saw the commercial/infomercial on the late night TV, and I cannot recall I applied for the Amex credit card 💳 or not. If I did, it would be a straight decline. 又突然想到我初中二年级的时候已经住校,而且好像是自己管理自己的粮票饭票菜票了[捂脸]。一个月见一次父母。

PS: today 05-12-2023 I renewed the Amazon Prime PBS Kids subscription ($4.99 a month, pas as you go) again for my 8 year old. I am a generous dad, right? I looked through my gmail “Your PBS KIDS Subscription Has Started”, and found that I subscribed three times, and cancelled twice 🙂

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