Arch Coal CEO Steve Leer interview

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Steve took interview from local West Virginia TV station (link here

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


My thoughts
Cap and trade debate (and the appearance of environmentalists winning the battle now), combined with the recession has slowed down the demand of coal, and knocked down the stock of coal companies recently. If we look beyond the cap/trade, and recession, I agree with Steve both coal and natural gas will continue to play an important role in electricity generation, along with the growth of carbon-free sources: nuclear, wind, and solar etc.

That being said, recently coal stocks already got a nice bump after declining since Sept 2008. So I will watch at the sideline for a while: I believe we will have another opportunity to pick up some ACI shares at bargain price.

(Update) CBS 60 minutes did an exellent report on coal powered electricity plant (interview Duke Energy CEO).

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