Chinese stock market, Robinhood trade referral

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Note I have not talked about Chinese stock market for a long time (this is last time I talked, 2007 when I spent 6 months in China). It gets interesting lately because of its big drop and swing. Keep it a bit in perspective, the Chinese stock index Shanghai composite did not do well in last 5 or 10 years, compared to S&P 500 or Neikei. But last year it did very well, then followed by a big drop lately. I think a lot people just looked at the big drop, while forget about the 12 month or 5/10 year chart.

Robinhood, the free trade platform on smartphone, is giving some new invitations . Here is the Link, if you use it to sign up, you get $5 and I will get $5 too. So it’s a win win 🙂

1-year chart (Shanghai Composite vs. Nikkei vs. S&P 500)

5-year chart (Shanghai Composite vs. Nikkei vs. S&P 500)

10-year chart (Shanghai Composite vs. Nikkei vs. S&P 500)

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