Week in review 060108 to 060708
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CFA level I exam
It’s here. I have already sharpened the H2B pencils; prepared the backup battery for calculator. I will check out the test place today. Tomorrow I am going to spend the whole day for the test.
NBA final and European championship soccer
I don’t care too much about the NBA final these days. Although I like Celtics (KG, Allen, Paul) to win. The reason I don’t like NBA is the commericalization, and referees apprearent involvement. On the other hand, I have not watched European championship soccer for a long time, especially after I came to the US. This year ESPN will broadcast the soccer. Here is the TV schedule.
Vanke May 08 sales, Wang Shi apoligize
I have a Google speadsheet to track Vanke monthly sales. May 08 number was down compared to May 07. Also Wang Shi apologized more than 10 times in the annual shareholder meeting for poor choice of words in his blog.
Hillary’s bill
I mean, her campaign bill, not the Bill Clinton. According to AP, Hillary had managed to amass a campaign debt of $30 m, her own loan of $11 m included. Is that one reason she did not quit a few days ago when Obama passed the tipping point of delegation count?
Hmm. The money issue. One thing I noticed is Hillary’s campaign spends money unwisely: such as high salary for campaign senior managers, and fees for consultants. Talk about high cost structure. On the other hand, Hillary can not raise money as fast as Obama.
About Vanke and Wang Shi (quote Baidu Zhidao):
王石,1951年1月出生于广西省柳州市。万科公司董事长,国家级登山健将, 生于柳州,学在兰州;创业于深圳,是叱咤风云的地产大腕。