People are more important

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Was at a friend’s house last night, watching the July 4th fireworks display at his house, as the house has a perfect view. We talked about things since we have not seen each other for a while. When asked by a friend what is the things gave me impressions on my first employer (I worked there for 8 years), I thought about it, and said “people”. Yes it was the people in Unigraphics Solutions (UGS, EDS PLM Solutions, and last Siemens PLM Software) help me jump started my career, and you all know who I meant. I still keep in touch with some of them.

The paragraph above was written about a month ago. This past Saturday I happened to bump into my old colleague at local license office. I knew he changed job couple times in recent years, after both of us left the company (me in 2008, him in 2009). He told me some unpleasant development in the company lately: downsizing, layoff etc. I know at this time my capability is fairly limited, but my thoughts and prayers are with my former coworkers.

Yes, human beings are always the most important.

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