Category: Fun

Reading Time: < 1 minute 今天一大早,我家大娃第一次出城比赛,不是钢琴🎹或其它乐器,不是数学,sci-only, 是 XC( cross country #越野跑)😂. 兵分两路,老爸(yours truly) 将跑第八个’Due Run. 大概算了下,God’s Willing, 等小娃高中毕业🎓,还有八个’Due Run. 结果:两个人大概都跑了34分钟多一点😂 PS: 拉肚学区啥都卷,小朋友们卷小朋友的东西,家长们卷’Due Run. 我记得有一回黄大神带了胜跑群的一路神仙们席卷了不少奖牌🏅😂 Btw, I signed up this year’s Olivette Turkey Trot. I probably ran my 1st Olivette Turkey Trot 5K in year 2018. I signed up in year 2017 but I chickened out at the last minute. I

September 21, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute I happened to see this on twitter/X, and I would say the Middle Westeners have both (kind and nice 🙂 I am in HK right now with my family, and my 14 year old commented STL is not as famous for tourism compared to Hong Kong. True. We are on the way from the US

June 24, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes Or in bubble territory. Personally I think so. I think this is a bit like the AI right now. I think compared to tennis, pickleball is more social (for social interactions, chatting), but less sports. Once a friend joked pickleball is not a sports – which my 13 year old disagrees, note she is in

February 20, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes We had 2 snow days right out of the gate this month, once because it was extremely cold (1/16 Tuesday), another time it was due to the freezing rain and black ice on the road. Basically the road become a skating rink (1/22 Monday). Both my kids loved snow days. In the process I also

January 27, 2024

Reading Time: 5 minutes I like to run when I was in middle school, for two reasons. I was not too bad at running, in fact I won a few track medals for 200 meters and 4×100 meters relay. I failed pretty bad in the 800 meters race (in my grade, one grade has 4 classes). But I am

December 24, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes Using Spoken English the 1st time in the USA 97年夏天我第一次来美国,我的飞机航班是东航上海虹桥(SHA) 到洛杉矶 (LAX, China Eastern MU 583), 当时好像用的是麦道11(Btw, 93年好像有一次事故),再从洛杉矶坐TWA航班飞圣路易斯(STL)。我在洛杉矶机场犯了一个不大不小的错误。我当时很想上厕所,急着从机场(入境处和海关)出来,结果一出来就拿错了行李。等我发现我拿错了,我已经出了海关,我赶紧用我的英语跟美国机场的工作人员解释,还好他听懂了,让我进去跟东航的地勤人员说上话,交换了行李(取到了我自己的行李)。这个箱子是当时上海第一百货的牌子,估计我们都是在一百买的,这个箱子实用也较便宜。这一次是我的口语第一次在美国派到用场。 PS: 大概在2005/6年在圣村的机场,又碰到一件类似的事情,这一次是Diplomat的灰色硬壳箱。对方把我的箱子拿到家以后,没有多想,直接撬锁。后来她通过航空公司陪了我大概是五十还是一百块钱(USD):她没有拿我的东西,就是赔我的坏掉的箱锁。那个箱子今年回国才退休。Also: I have other stories with the diplomat luggage (1 and 2) back in 2007 when I tried to replace a broken wheel. So this one really last for a long time: at least from 2007

December 18, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Imagine when a kid falls and how western parents and traditional Chinese grandmas react Is probably the confidence. From the day they start to walk. I still remember the time my older daughter started to walk. I think most parents would encourage their toddler kids to walk when the kiddos were still learning. I guess

December 14, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes 油管:my Youtube 2022 video for BRK HQ video below (narration mostly in Chinese) Charlie Munger We know Charlie Munger (Wiki) passed away recently, and he was the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway: he had some influence on Warren Buffet’s investments over the years, including See’s Candy, Coca Cola and so on. Here is the free

December 9, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Old blog post back in year 2006, I believe I wrote it 2 days after meeting my wife. We didn’t meet at Starbucks though, we met at a tea place at the Zhongshan Park and later was changed to a bank. I used to drink a lot more Starbucks and I recall about 10 years

December 2, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes and I got to learn how to connect the water supply to the fridge’s water dispenser/ice maker. We bought the fridge from Costco. Our old one eventually gave up last week (between Thursday and Sunday). I recall I talked about it here (this “GE Refrigerator Ice Maker not working” section). And on Sunday when I

December 1, 2023
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