Things to pay attention when we are over 50
(I borrowed this paragraph from a high school classmate in mailand CHN) 我来说几句吧,不妥之处请大家指正:1. 一定要有医保,有能力的可以适当配点商业保险 2. 同学们都巳年过半百了,各种慢性病会慢慢出来,应该学习一点医学常识。个人建议关注以下几个(微信)公众号: 丁香医生/ 菠萝因子/ 营养师顾中一
Below is my own cooking
Exercise 锻炼身体:running, jogging, and walking 跑步,慢跑,走路 are all good. Many other good cardiovascular exercise 心血管运动 include cycling, swimming, and tennis. Take your pick. 饭后百步走,活到九十九。Aerobic exercise 柔韧性锻炼也不错,如瑜伽,普拉提等。跑步前后注意拉伸。
至少要有大病保险;buy health insurance, as a minimum one should have the catastrophe health insurance: meaning the insurance that covers conditions such as cancer. This is needed for most people; I mean the people who doesn’t have 100 million dollars or more – who, btw, may be able to self-insure. Even in that case, one should find an administrator (basically a company that acts as middleman between you and the providers).
Colon cancer screen
聆听自己身体的声音,每年体检,看情况做一个肠镜;see your doctor and get the colonoscopy every 5 or 10 years. Below is example of people who got colon cancer and found out late.
I’m a 34-Year-Old With Colorectal Cancer. Here Are the Early Signs I Wish I Hadn’t Ignored (btw, an alarming trend is colon cancer patient get younger, as you can see from this google search)
prostate and bladder (urologist);
Ladies: mammogram, breast cancer ♋️
We are no longer in our 20s or 30s, this includes everything from drink, driving to eating. Pay attention to what we drink or eat. I found out I can no longer drive the mountain roads as confident as before – which is okay. I just need to be careful and mindful. If I cannot do it, I don’t do it.
Also, refer to What’s For Dinner? 晚饭吃什么 – A Series On What We Eat And Its Impact On Our Bodies – I
Shingles vaccine 带状疱疹疫苗 (CDC, CDC PDF; Mayo Clinic).
(05-26-2024) I went ahead and decided to get the vaccine at local Walgreens. Today 05-27-2024 I felt a bit drowsy, tired and a touch of fever (I googled the shingle vaccine side effect too). Note this is not as bad as the Moderna Covid-9 vaccine I took about 3 years ago. (05-27-2024 evening) I jumped to conclusion too quickly, it ooks like my fever is not trivial (about 101F). More on side effects on CDC website.
Also, note the vaccine is 2 shots, and I will likely get the 2nd shot 2 months from today.
More information on shingles (Mayo Clinic); 带状疱疹 (妙佑医疗)
I will do it shortly.
Make a will. If kids are old enough, involve them in the process (learned this from Warren Buffett).
不折腾或少折腾 包括工作不要太拼(don’t work long hours without break, and do it for a long duration)。
PS: many of the things mentioned above are important when one is young too. But better late than never.