Reading Time: < 1 minute 对过去的留恋可能是人之常情,尤其是对上了年纪的人(大概过了50岁的人可以说是上了年纪?),还有一些曾经辉煌,现在落魄的人。 有一个例子是鲁迅笔下的祥林嫂。实际生活中其实这种情况不少。我感觉我自己有时候也会说/想:想当年,我年轻的时候,blah blah blah. 最近 formerly executive assistant at square, sorry I could not find her profile on LinkedIn now, as I unfollowed her recently. Due to LinkedIn’s algorithm (or AI), it seems quite hard for me to find her again (refer to my recent blog post re: LinkedIn’s search-ability). PS (02-09-2025) I gave it
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 02-07-2025) We had two more crashes since the 01-29-2025 night DC helicopter / airplane mid-air collision. The Philly medvac airplane crash and Alaska crash. (Update 01-31-2025) CNN – YT – FAA indefinitely closes helicopter routes near Reagan National Airport NPR: Editor’s note: Reporting the midair collision will focus on facts and people’s stories (Original
Reading Time: 6 minutes (Update 02-09-2025) I resumed my Uber driving today. From now on, I will probably only drive on Saturday and Sunday, couple hours at most each day. (Update 02-08-2025) More about Go Go Grandparents ride (here is a reddit thread if you are interested). Now I recollect, the Go Go Grandparents people kind of tricked me
Reading Time: 7 minutes 谷歌翻译的中文版在这里。下面是英文原文(偶尔会有更新;中文版一般情况下不更新)。 WeChat app is a time sucker My better half (my wife) thinks I spent too much time on WeChat app aka 微信 wei’xin, and I agree after using WeChat for about 10 years. One of my new year’s resolutions is to use less iPhone, social media in general including WeChat. I mentioned a few
Reading Time: 5 minutes Or, put it bluntly, to combat my iPhone addiction 🙁 Why What do you do the 1st thing after you wake up? Hopefully you are not like me “yes you guessed it right, look at my iPhone and check the WeChat blah blah blah” 🙂 Sometimes I wonder if “I own the iPhone; or the
Reading Time: 3 minutes My thoughts on #RFKJr nomination of the department of HHS. First I would say nobody or very few people would know him if not for his last name and family connections. He is a #VaccineDenier which may have negative impact on the health of the babies, the toddlers, the younger kids in the US. I
Reading Time: 4 minutes 中文简体读者:这里有一个谷歌翻译的版本,可能不是最新的版本,但大意差不多。 Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon I drove for Uber the first time, after I thought and talked about it for a bit. Note I still have the day job – this is mostly to supplement my income, and also gain some experience/have some fun. I also wrote a Twitter/X thread here. A few things to do
Reading Time: 2 minutes My 14 year old (when she was almost 14) decided to switch to this electric toothbrush given by the Orthodontist office and after a while she wanted to order the replacement toothbrush heads. This is not the most common electric toothbrush and I had to order the replacement heads at the their official website. But
Reading Time: 7 minutes 中文翻译(主要是谷歌翻译的,我做了一点修改)在这里。 This is probably the 3rd time we stayed in a hospital in America – if we count the time we spent in the Mercy for our 2 babies delivery (baby number 1 and number 2). Last week in my blog I talked about our little baby got sick. As she didn’t get better, we
Reading Time: 2 minutes Our 10 year old got sick on the 1st day of Labor Day weekend – 8/31 Saturday. She has violin private lesson and we had to do it over the Zoom. Initially we didn’t think too much of it, but on Monday 9/2, as we didn’t see her getting any better we decided to go
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