Month: October 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes Atlantic CS monitor My take: My daughter is 3 and half years old. My wife had iPhone (3g) before she was born, and I bought iPhone 4 when she was 6 months old. Then comes the iPad (1), and currently I have an iPad mini, and my wife has iPad 4. I spent about $30

October 26, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently I’ve worked on updating one of my app to make it works on iOS 7, and have encountered some roadblocks. Push view controller problem/symptom: the new view controller pushed from old view controller shows no content, on iOS 7. It works fine on iOS 6.1 (the deployment target is still iOS 6.1). solution/diagnose: I

October 17, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute Arguably iOS 7 bring most drastic changes to iOS in last 3 to 5 years. With new features like dynamics in UIKit, (more/new) auto layout, it creates both opportunities and challenges for developers. But I know the Mac/iOS developer community is best, in terms of sharing knowledge. With the iOS 7 out just 2 weeks

October 2, 2013
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