Tag: starbucks

Reading Time: < 1 minute Went to the nearby McDonald (NYSE: MCD) yesterday afternoon, and tried out the Iced Latte. Personal opinion: the latte at MCD is not as good as Starbucks ( Nasdaq: SBUX). Two things: 1) McDonald makes this mostly by machine, while in Starbucks the barista used some hand; 2) McDonald serves the latte not in a

May 25, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes (What a week, Yahoo Tech-ticker, link) China’s role in the Fannie/Freddie mess As Fannie/Freddie crisis deepens, people find China in akward postion because China is the largest holder of 2F’s bonds: total $376.3 billion. I don’t know exactly how China got into this mess, but I think one reason is decision maker in China must

July 19, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s the NBA playoffs season again, and I watched the two games between Phoenix Sun and San Antonio Spur lately. As you may know, I am a big fan of Phoenix Sun/Nash. But they disappointed me again this year: they lost 2 games in a row. The main reason is that Phoenix is pretty much

April 24, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Last week I had the opportunity to try the latte at a new McDonald restaurant near my home, it was good. The middle size iced carmel latte cost $2.79 ($2.99 after tax), slightly cheaper than Starbucks. One caveats (as I understand), not many McDonald stores offer those espresso at this time, the new ones offering

April 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Coca Cola stock vs. Starbucks stock In last 10 years (Mar 6 1998 to today Feb 28 2008), according Google Finance, SBUX went up from 4.93 to 18.78 (+280%, split adjusted, SBUX has not paid any dividend). That’s about 14% price appreciation annually. On the other hand, KO went from 68.66 to 59.56 (-14.44%).

February 28, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Obviously most of them don’t know what they are talking about, accoring to Free Money Finance. This is actually confirmed by Karen Blumenthal, the author of Grande Expectation: a year in the life of Starbucks stock. She said (before wrote the book), she has been financial journalist for more than 20 years, but she did

February 4, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update noon Jan 18) Opps, the Bush rally only last couple hours πŸ™ Seriously, I do welcome this $1,600 per family tax rebate. Maybe a trip to Europe this Spring? Oh well, that won’t help the US economy directly. (Original) I mean, to the stock market. Yesterday, after Ben spoke in Congress and painted a

January 18, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday morning when I went to Panera (St. Louis) Bread to get morning bagel, I noticed they raised the price from 89 cents to 95 cents. I can fully understand the pressure they are facing: the rising wheat, diary, and energy cost. Today Starbucks came out with earning, and understandablely a disappointing outlook (bloomberg). SBUX

November 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Accoring to Seattle PI: “Up to 1.5 million daily giveaways will begin Oct. 2 and run through Nov. 7 at more than 10,000 company-owned and licensed U.S. stores, Starbucks said. When the promotion ends, Starbucks expects to have given away more than 50 million songs.” During the promotion, Starbucks will pick an artist each day

September 24, 2007
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