Reading Time: 3 minutes This is probably the 3rd time we stayed in a hospital in America – if we count the time we spent in the Mercy for our 2 babies delivery (baby number 1 and number 2). Last week in my blog I talked about our little baby got sick. As she didn’t get better, we end
Reading Time: 2 minutes This probably should be the series 2 of Ladue high school, we are coming, series I is here and I wrote it about 9 months ago. Now it’s real – which means, every morning, I have to be patient about the traffic on Warson road. And I am very proud to announce: so far I
Reading Time: < 1 minute 来美国将近27年,很多方面已比较适应,包括她们这里(比较坑叔)的英制。英里,英寸,英镑等,不过我在心里换算一般还可以,因为换算相对简单。就是这个华氏的温度换算比较麻烦: (F-32)x5/9, 后来碰到一个当过海军飞行员的老兵说他们的一个简化的八九不离十的算法:(F-30)/2 好像也还可以啊。我告诉我小女儿:我的脑子里还是摄氏度。她们也知道,她们的理想室温是70华氏度,我们是75度。哪天等我做了美国总统(不过我做不了,因为我不是在这里出生的),要等我的女儿做了美国总统,我让她把这英制改了,我估计英国🇬🇧现在也是用国际的米制了吧:没去过英国 it’s on my list: no pressure girls 🙂 芝加哥到香港的直达航班 在小红书上听到这个,跑到她家网站一看,果然有 ORD to HKG 航班,价格也还公道。看来美国的航空公司短期内是不会开通 ORD to PVG 的航线了。 It looks like this flight started on October 3, 2023. Quote the article: The three-times-weekly flight, operated by the airline’s state-of-the-art Airbus A350-1000 aircraft, will depart Chicago at 4:05pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
Reading Time: 3 minutes Note: I also published this to Medium, and the friend link is here. Our younger daughter turned to 10 the day before yesterday. And our older daughter is about 4 years older, so basically I have been a dad for a bit over 14 years. Being dad is not an easy job. Last few years
Reading Time: 6 minutes Since pandemic, I have been back to China twice, last year in the spring break of school year 2022/2023, which was the 1st time I visited China since pandemic, when the PRC (People’s Republic of China) just relaxed in-bound travel in Jan 2023, and I booked ticket on Jan 29, 2023 via – refer
Reading Time: < 1 minute 好像有个说法,人生在于折腾。 Zhihu: 人生的意义在于折腾 晚读 | 人生在于折腾,而不是年纪轻轻趋于平静 (新黄河 via 我想对年轻人来说,这个基本上是适用的。比如说前几年流行的创业,我们年轻时(大学毕业时,九十年代初)去南方,广东,深圳等。With some exceptions, of course. The main thing is we all need to listen to our body – doesn’t matter whether one is young or old. We want to avoid things like below Another death at BoA (X)? A 25-year-old Bank of America credit trader died
Reading Time: 2 minutes I talked about American Healthcare System I 美国医疗系统之一 and American Healthcare System II 美国医疗系统之二。Recently due to my older daughter’s ankle injury, I learned a bit more about the medical bills. We had two visits at Shriner’s hospital near the BJC at central west end: the initial encounter (encounter as in medical billing) and the followup
Reading Time: 5 minutes Colonoscopy is a routine exam recommended by doctors for adults over 50 in the USA: as a precaution checkup for the signs of colon cancer. 在美国一般医生会建议50岁以上的人去做一次肠镜,以检查是否有肠癌的迹象。I heard colon caner is among the top two cancer in the US. I did mine at Mercy St. Louis – it’s the hospital both my girls were born and
Reading Time: 3 minutes Digital wallet and credit card expiration and automatic extension Investopedia : What Is a Digital Wallet? Also quote Investopedia There are several digital wallets available. Here are some of the most well-known: Cash AppApple PayGoogle WalletSamsung PayPayPalVenmoAliPayWalmart PayDwollaVodafone M-PESA Personally I use Apple Pay (in store) and PayPal (online stores). I know some investors or
Reading Time: 3 minutes I don’t know about you, but I was fairly enthusiastic about sports when I was in the middle school and part of the high school. At one time I thought I should join the Chinese youth soccer team (under 16), which looking back I don’t think that’s possible. A few months ago I also talked
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