Category: Travel

Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes called 科学上网 in CHN Mac: VPN Prime – Unlimited Proxy 4+ iPhone, iPad VPN – Super Unlimited Proxy 4+ Both are free, and both have add-ons that are available for purchase. I verified them on my trip and they work for the most part, iPhone app sometimes takes a few tries to get going. The Mac app works out of

July 17, 2024

Reading Time: 6 minutes Since pandemic, I have been back to China twice, last year in the spring break of school year 2022/2023, which was the 1st time I visited China since pandemic, when the PRC (People’s Republic of China) just relaxed in-bound travel in Jan 2023, and I booked ticket on Jan 29, 2023 via – refer

July 17, 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute 航空公司 发现加航🇨🇦的loyalty member (Aeroplan)在飞机上用微信,手机短信等是免费的。不用花钱或点数买inflight WiFi:感觉又赚了一个亿[捂脸]。航空公司其实很难赚钱:成本在那里,固定成本和浮动成本等。但是另一方面愿意额外付钱的客户不多:比如说inflight WiFi, 比如说duty free product sale等等。股神巴菲特也说过类似的话:我估计他老人家在上回pandemic 那次卖了航空股以后就不会再玩航空公司的股票债券了:他老人家今年有93或94岁了。|| 我个人觉得纯从商业的角度出发,信用卡公司的商业模型business model 比航空公司好太多:她们基本上就是高速公路和谷歌的收买路钱的方法。不过在中国大陆感觉支付宝和微信支付基本上打遍天下无敌手,Visa 和万事达两大巨头基本上可以洗洗睡了。前两者的对商家来说成本比信用卡低太多。Alipay 和WeChat Pay 在香港也很拼,有不少商家也开始接受人民币的微信支付/支付宝。不过香港的payment 有点复杂:感觉基本上是八达通Octopus, 信用卡💳包括digital wallet Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Alipay, WeChat pay等;还有出租车也就是的士🚕和地铁🚇需要的港币现钞。我用CS debit card 直接在银行的ATM机上取了些港币现钞。感觉在大陆用现钞的地方比香港少很多,基本上微信和支付宝都可以搞定。|| 离港上飞机之前有个小插曲,紧张程度有点类似于我上次工作中play as tech lead for production release:中间也出了点不大不小的问题,好在最后在超级队友的支持下,有惊无险。我感觉自己还是在这些大大小小的事情中,不断学习,提高自己[微笑] 中国好还是美国好 我被问到的一个常见的问题是:中国好还是美国好?我觉得各有千秋吧。比如说火车:美国的火车客运还停留在中国的绿皮车年代,中国的高铁确实挺牛。Amtrak 没有固定位置: no assigned seat 💺 on Amtrak – reminded me of southwest air the $luv

July 14, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes The air ticket from mid-west USA to China is getting more expensive after the cut of American Airlines (AA) and United Airlines (UA) ORD to PVG or PEK flights since pandemic in 2020. There are some alternatives nowadays. Besides the cross Atlantic routes below, there are direct flights from Delta Detroit (DTW) to Shanghai (PVG),

January 27, 2024

Reading Time: 6 minutes (Update 04-28-2023) Please note the airlines no longer ask/need #COVID #testing from April 29: 4月29日起飞往中国不再需要核酸检测,自测抗原即可。登机前航空公司不再查验检测证明,只需海关健康申报二维码。source: #flychina || This is good news 🙂 (Original) I have a twitter thread here, and quite a few YouTube shorts or videos on this trip (hashtag: #ChinaTrip2023). But I think it’s probably worth an article or two for me

April 1, 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 02-10-2011) The previous link expired. Try this new link if interested. One difference is they requires one spend $4000 in first 6 months to get the full 75,000 miles. Good luck! (Update 09-17-2010) I got the 75,000 AA miles. (Update 8-19-2010) Received the Citi Platinum Select /AAdvantage Visa Signature card today, called and verified

August 16, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute I was in Las Vegas this week, attending a technology (software) conference. One tip to share at the beginning: Google Free Wifi at LAS airport. It appears my Boingo service does not have wifi spot here, but Google provided free Wifi during holidays until Jan 15. They even have some “google colored” bean shaped couch

December 5, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes I got all the fun of driving in Boston traffic during rush hour. It took me more than an hour driving from Waltham to Boston Logan, and my Garmin 755T GPS helped this time. One thing I noticed in Boston is driving is a lot more hectic than in the River city. People won’t yield

August 21, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am using a Garmin 755T GPS to nagivate Boston. This is my 3rd trip using GPS. The first one was Chicago trip before July 4th. Pros Recalculating when I took the wrong road; Cons Dependency on GPS, so I will not read maps in the future? One more thing to pay attention besides road

August 18, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Went to Harvard Square this evening, took some pictures (the quality is not as great as I liked, but you know it’s Harvard). (Harvard Theater) (Harvard Square, Sumner’s statue)

August 16, 2009
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