Reading Time: < 1 minute 美国最近一个月,川普他胡汉山又回来了。他这一卷土重来,可谓是来者不善善者不来。基本上把联邦政府翻了底朝天。他最近半年来宠幸的世界首富马斯克,带着一帮美国红卫兵,直接关了两个机构(USAID和CFPB),裁了所有的试用期的联邦政府员工。同时所有的机构包括国防部都要裁员。对华人来说,在高校研究机构工作的人,有不少是拿联邦政府的grant, 一般是通过NIH(卫生部)和NSF(国家科学基金会)。她们中应该也/已有一些收到直接间接的影响。有点搞笑的是,其实华人中有不少是川粉,或者是投票给川普的选民。这下好,搬起石头,直接砸自己的脚。这个让我想到前两天看到一个博文下的两个有点意思的评论: 如果川普发动战争,让你儿子死在战场,川粉会说,如果没有川王保护,我们会全家覆灭。奴才永远没有清醒的能力; 川粉但凡有点思考能力就不会是川粉了。川粉醒悟不了,有个关于美国农民的新闻里说得挺好,被川虐待千百遍,仍待川普如初恋。 安全 我97年夏天来美国,经历过克林顿(三年多,小克第二任任期是从97年1月20日开始),小布什(8年),奥巴马(8年),川普 1.0(4年), 拜登(4年),接下来不出意外川普2.0还有3年11个月。 其实我刚来美国的时候,我在罗拉 University of Missouri at Rolla (后来改名为 Missouri University of Science and Technology: 一般现在简称是 Missouri S&T). 罗拉是一个小镇,97年是美国发生9-11(2001年)之前,所以在那里当时总的来说我感觉并没有什么歧视。我现在想想,那时候没有感觉受到各种歧视,尤其是种族歧视。我猜主要还是因为我们那时就是穷学生,尤其从经济上来说,当地美国人心理上对我们其实是有优越感的。 Covid I recall lots of unprovoked violence towards Asian and Chinese during pandemic, especially the early days (the shutdown phase). Note for many Americans (white, black and latinos), they cannot
Reading Time: 2 minutes And personally, I am not happy with Mercy Go Health First some background. There are 3 urgent care places near where we live. In the order of opening: St. Luke’s urgent care (next to a CVS). Total Access Urgent Care (TAUC): an independent chain that has no affiliation with a hospital; they have X-ray and
Reading Time: 4 minutes 中文简体读者:这里有一个谷歌翻译的版本,可能不是最新的版本,但大意差不多。 Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon I drove for Uber the first time, after I thought and talked about it for a bit. Note I still have the day job – this is mostly to supplement my income, and also gain some experience/have some fun. I also wrote a Twitter/X thread here. A few things to do
Reading Time: 2 minutes (01-23-2025) Last Saturday I learned wustl has an area that its school shuttle covers (don’t know where to find it online). And I came across this one about why people (mainly students I assume) usually live. (11-03-2024 更新) 我上载了一个油管视频,是关于这个主题的,欢迎各种意见反馈。 (有人在小红书上问 #圣路易斯 哪里比较 #安全,我猜可能是华大学生,以下是我的回答):综合考虑,建议住 #Clayton, #Brentwood, #Olivette 等。如果有上K-12的小孩,学区来讲,Olivette (Ladue), 和 Clayton 是密苏里公立学校/学区里面第一和第二名。Brentwood ranked 12th in the
Reading Time: 3 minutes Gentrification: The process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process. Oxford Dictionary via google Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and investment.
Reading Time: 2 minutes If you just want to look at the contractor list, it’s here. Basic Knowledge Living in the USA usually also means driving and owning a home. And we need some knowledge about the cars and the house. Even if we live in condo or apartments – in those cases we typically don’t need to mow
Reading Time: 4 minutes (Update 01-23-2025) Recently I started attending more group exercises classes at the J. Right now I am mostly doing the Saturday morning (7:30 am) and Sunday morning (8 am) weight training classes. I feel I need those. Honestly I need a lot more. But I will do my baby steps and slowly ramp up. (Original
Reading Time: 3 minutes For hiking or walking. Some are paved, while others are not. By nature I mean there are trees etc. around the trail. I am adding difficulty levels (categories) for hiking or walking. By easy, I mean it’s suitable for family. By moderate, I mean, the old or the young may have some challenge complete the
Reading Time: 2 minutes I hope so. Last October the Costco U city opened, Oct 25, 2022 to be precise. A year later, we have a few more restaurants etc. opened, Raising Canes, Panera Bread, Chase Bank, Chipotle, and Chick-fil-A (open this Friday 11/17/23?). And now I walk around the area, I think it’s a notch above the fast
Reading Time: 3 minutes And eat some moon cakes. I just realized I wrote something about mid autumn festival way back in year 2007. I believe I was in Shanghai when I wrote this, and it was after we had honey moon in San’ya, Hainan, China. Time flies. Now we have 2 kids, and I don’t see any special
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