Reading Time: 11 minutes 中文版 – 谷歌翻译 – 美国上班20多年用过的那些电脑 I started working in the US since Oct 2000. In a few years, hopefully I can retire from my current software dev job on my own terms (rather than let’s just say being replaced by AI :-). When I 1st started to working in the US, back in year 2000,
Reading Time: 3 minutes I didn’t do well in my last 2 years of investing or trading. I think the overall performance in my main IRA (trading) account, for last 2 years (2022 and 2023) is slightly down. This year, I lagged behind the S&P 500 index in terms of performance (mine 11% vs S&P 500’s 25%). And I
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