Uber driving tips
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(Update 02-09-2025) I resumed my Uber driving today. From now on, I will probably only drive on Saturday and Sunday, couple hours at most each day.
(Update 02-08-2025) More about Go Go Grandparents ride (here is a reddit thread if you are interested). Now I recollect, the Go Go Grandparents people kind of tricked me in some way, because initially it was a ride for $4 or $5 and it’s a one way trip (probably from the old gentleman’s home to the McDonald’s at Maplewood, off Hanley road, near Home Depot store). Then once I was on the way (after took the rider), Go Go Grandparents updated the trip, so that I can also bring the gentleman home: made it a round trip. The total is about $7. But because the rider asked for extra stop at the gas station, and I need to help him get off the car, back out my car, etc., it made my 2nd already booked trip a bit late – it’s possible the rider for 2nd trip gave me a score of 4 because of that.
A side note of this is: the starting address is across the street from the real house the gentleman was living in (because I drop back to his home, and I have the address, which I dropped off his phone later, btw). I don’t know why the discrepancy. The house was a bit run-down, which seems to match the old gentleman’s life stage. I saw broken down car in the backyard. Next time, if I ever encounter similar issue (lost item in my car), I would take a picture so that it would help me resolving the issue.
Before the trip on 01-28-2025, I did two trips that were either Uber Health or called by people like Go Go Grandparent. I mentioned one on 01-23-2025 (see below). In another case, I just drove a gentleman (a veteran) from his home to BJC in central west end. I don’t mind drive people for medical appointments etc., but from now on 02-09-2025 I will probably just drive on weekends (leisure time), as well as not taking Go Go Grandparent (not sure how best to distinguish/decline).
(Update 02-03-2025) Rideshare Safety Tips: A Complete Guide
(Update 01-28-2025) Once again please be aware of Uber Health – or those rides arranged by the Caregivers. I got such one again this morning: the ride is taking a gentleman to McDonald’s, order food, and take him back. On the way back he asked me to stop by the gas station: he said he left his debit card there last time. I did him the favor in terms of the extra stop. I also helped him the food and drink during drop off to his home. But he forgot his phone (left it on the seat) in the end. I had to make an extra stop and drop off his phone after I drop off my 2nd passenger. Last but not least, it seems between them I got a 4 star. Later I got a call from gogograndparent that they are the Uber coordinator. It went to my voice mail as I usually don’t pick up phone from stranger. Looks like they are Chicago based.
This is probably going to be my last Uber driving for a while. I am not overly concerned about the phone itself, but it seems there are quite a few caregiver responsibilities that comes with this kind of Uber driving. Also the customer service stuff (which I got a glimplse when I worked for Mastercard). I think ideally I want to be like the Costco and pick the ideal customers.
Now I am thinking about becoming real estate agent next (part time though).
(Update 01-23-2025) I did a few more trips this week, including during the deep freeze (Sunday to Wednesday morning). I feel some people are appreciative: e.g., on Sunday I dropped off a caregiver from apartment near my home to Delmar Garden, a senior living place near 141 and 64. The lady told me one driver bailed on her: she gave me $5 tip. Yesterday I drove a lady from her home to dental appointment: she gave me $5 tip too. Another trip was for a WUSTL undergrad (senior) from his home to medical school. The day before it was similar: drove a nurse from Mercy Creve Coeur campus to her apartment; then drove a medical school student to WUSTL medical campus.
This morning, I declined a few far out of way trips (I think it’s a bit too much if I need to drive 15 to 20 minutes to pick up someone, via highway). I picked up a lady at Westport and drop her off STL Lambert International airport. On the way we stopped by the Panera Bread at Westport (at her request). She gave me $7 tip.
Today also marks the day that I drove 100 trips (I started on 10-13-2024, as shown in my blog post here). Technically I think it’s 101. As I drove for an old lady after I cancelled the trip because she didn’t respond in time. Uber did give me the money via adjustment later on. Below was the story on Jan 13, 2025 (note the temperature was low, but more importantly road condition was still not perfect after the snow storm).
A bit unusual Uber driving experience this morning. I picked up the ride during my 1st trip. Just as I was going to pick up the passenger for this particular ride (2nd trip), the Uber platform told me the passenger doesn’t do text, via a medical (care) coordinator. I arrived the apartment, did call, text to the number given by the platform. No response. But just as I cancelled the trip, and ready to leave, I saw the passenger – an old woman with cane. She is going to the Mercy Hospital in Creve Coeur. The parking lot for the apartment is both icy and slippery, and I slipped, and almost fell. She said she was just locking her door. I said: okay I will take you. I drove her to the Mercy Hospital which I briefly worked for 18 months between 2013 and 2015. She said she didn’t eat breakfast – somehow, she reminded me of my grandma and my parents nowadays (as they are aging).
(Original 01-18-2025) Last Sunday, as I dropped off one passenger on United Airline gate, the next ride came. My lesson learned: keep the Uber Driving app online. In the past, sometimes I turned off new request when I drove into airport dropping off passengers.
This evening, I dropped off a friend at Southwest Terminal 2. But the Uber Driving app told me to go to the STL waiting lot. I was hoping to get a ride right there, and I was not going to waiting lot.
Some safety features for the drivers
Don’t drive during the night, or early mornings, basically when it’s dark outside. Quite recently, once I woke up early, it was New Year’s Day (01-01-2025), as I drove around for Uber, I picked up a ride for 2 guys. I was not 100% sure what those 2 guys were doing, I suspect they were drinking and f?!x around, as I heard a bit of their conversation re: women etc. I have zero intention to learn their business. There was a small incident during pickup too, I parked, one guy came aboard: he took the seat behind me. Just as I was pulling off, I saw another guy pull my door or knock on the windshield, asking me to stop. Turns out he is another passenger. The ride was not eventually, until the end, turns out two guys have a slightly different destinations: one guy lives about one mile from another. They did give me $10, and after my Uber ride is over, I used Apple map for navigation dropped off the other guy. Note Uber does allow for multiple stops and they are probably not sophisticated Uber users and didn’t use this multi stop feature.
Set the minimum rider star rating (score) to 4.5, unfortunately we need to do it every time we go online. I used to set minimum to 4.5, but the article says Any lower than 4.6 could be a potential issue, because it’s at this point that Uber can consider deactivating your account.
I saw from this Reddit thread one driver says 4.85 for Uber. But I also saw some passenger’s rebuttal. Just copy one back and forth below:
Driver: Anything under a 4.8 is a no-go. 10 years driving rideshare.
Rider: I am 4.79, always respectful and tip well. Just had a few too many drivers give me a 4 instead of a 5. The rating system is BS and you are losing money by rejecting perfectly good passengers. Now if someone had a 4.2 or 4.1, I’d understand why you wouldnt pick them up.
Go offline if we are not familiar with the destination or area: I did this once at East St. Louis. I didn’t realize the ride was going to East St. Louis at the beginning. It appears a security guard was getting off work at Clayton and went back his home in East STL.
I will add more as I think of some more tips.
Last but not least: some other blog posts I wrote re: Uber driving
More Uber driving and tips I learned
Drove for Uber the 1st time – 我在美国开优步
Uber Official YT Channel – Earning with Uber