Author: stlplace

Reading Time: < 1 minute I came across this term yesterday. You may search the Twitter (aka X) for more tweets on the topic. And this made me to think two small stock positions I have and I may have talked about them in my blog posts too: LEG (Legget and Platt) and SCS (Steelcase). I just did a bit

January 2, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s the beginning of the year, and one common theme or joke is people sign up the gym membership in January. This is probably true. I do think we should look long term for the fitness and health. Personally I am not a believer of new year resolution, but at the same time, I do

January 2, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes I think this is a very common thing: at the car rental counter, the clerk asks “do you want to buy the comprehensive insurance”, and/or buy the full tank of gas, so that you don’t need to fill up the car when you return it. My answer is always, no. Except once I probably bought

December 28, 2023

Reading Time: 9 minutes As the old Chinese sayng goes, 下棋找高手,弄斧到班门 (baidu)。下棋找高手,弄斧到班门。—-中国科学院 || Basically one needs to get trained properly or work at a place that has some good technology and process so that he or she can really understand what’ the proper way to do the work, and work with people. Got right training at the beginning of the

December 25, 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes I like to run when I was in middle school, for two reasons. I was not too bad at running, in fact I won a few track medals for 200 meters and 4×100 meters relay. I failed pretty bad in the 800 meters race (in my grade, one grade has 4 classes). But I am

December 24, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Thinking it may be helpful for me to explain all this, as I never heard about those coming from China to the USA in late 1990s. Maybe the employers are doing those in China nowadays too, but at my time, I never heard about it. Background Check There are background check, and sometimes there are

December 22, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes General Rule of Thumb on the length of work tenure A while ago, in year 2010, I got this rule from a friend. My friend spends most of time doing IT/software contractor work, long term contract though. I asked him “how long should I stay at this place because there is a senior guy seems

December 21, 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute 现在叫华中科技大学(没有对钢铁学院*不敬的意思:但是在我心里我的母校一直是华中理工大学,或是华中工学院)。 我是1989年上的大学。我从小在浙江农村长大,能否考上大学对我来说是个很大的事(俗话说的跳出农门)。我的老大现在十三岁,我告诉她,如果我考不上大学,我就只能做农民。她在美国出生长大,当然没法完全理解我说的做农民的意思。 我在高三的时候理想的大学是在上海。但是那一年高考我没有完全发挥出我的水平,再加上那年春夏之间北京发生的事,我有不少同学和她们的家长希望小孩去上海。所以虽然我的第一志愿还是上海某大学,我心里知道我的第二志愿(second choice)这一次有可能会有用。 虽然很多大学不喜欢接受选了她们学校作为第二志愿的学生,这个有点像一个女孩听到一个男孩说她是候补(second choice)。NO。That’s a bitter pill to swallow. 但是对我们在浙江长大的小朋友来说,大多数人不想去除了北京上海以外的外地。我上面已经说了北京那年不少家庭不想让小孩去。这样就给其它外地高校(大学)出了个题:怎么招满她家在浙江省的招生名额。所以我说第二志愿对我来说也可能会有用。 填最后的志愿表之前,我爸爸带我去见了他认识的刘老师,可能也是他的老师。刘老师说了三个选择,大连理工,天津大学,还有就是华中理工。我妈妈在这之前,经常跟我说谁去了北方:西安交大还是天津的大学,我现在记不清了。总而言之言之,我的理解去北方的话就得吃黑面包。这个有点吓人。我就挑了华工。 我记得当我接到华工的入学通知书时,还是悲喜交加。主要是担心上学的行程较不方便:我在长江轮船的博客上也有提到。四年以后,我试图通过考研再试试上海某大学,还是因数学考试没有准备好而再次失败。没有第三次,第三次我来到了密苏里大学罗拉分校(现在已改名密苏里理工大学)。看来我跟理工大学有缘。有一个原因可能是因为我们那时候有一个说法:学好数理化,走遍天下也不怕。Another reason is I was under the impression having a profession is good to make a living, something along these lines (In the blog post, How To Survive As An IT Contractor? I mentioned my maternal grandma and (actually my maternal uncle,

December 20, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes Some friends asked me about the year end tax moves, such as the tax loss selling etc. Here is a good article on the topic – Tax-Loss Harvesting: What It Is, How It Works. My take on tax: this is at least secondary maybe even more down the priority list. The No. 1 priority in

December 19, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes Using Spoken English the 1st time in the USA 97年夏天我第一次来美国,我的飞机航班是东航上海虹桥(SHA) 到洛杉矶 (LAX, China Eastern MU 583), 当时好像用的是麦道11(Btw, 93年好像有一次事故),再从洛杉矶坐TWA航班飞圣路易斯(STL)。我在洛杉矶机场犯了一个不大不小的错误。我当时很想上厕所,急着从机场(入境处和海关)出来,结果一出来就拿错了行李。等我发现我拿错了,我已经出了海关,我赶紧用我的英语跟美国机场的工作人员解释,还好他听懂了,让我进去跟东航的地勤人员说上话,交换了行李(取到了我自己的行李)。这个箱子是当时上海第一百货的牌子,估计我们都是在一百买的,这个箱子实用也较便宜。这一次是我的口语第一次在美国派到用场。 PS: 大概在2005/6年在圣村的机场,又碰到一件类似的事情,这一次是Diplomat的灰色硬壳箱。对方把我的箱子拿到家以后,没有多想,直接撬锁。后来她通过航空公司陪了我大概是五十还是一百块钱(USD):她没有拿我的东西,就是赔我的坏掉的箱锁。那个箱子今年回国才退休。Also: I have other stories with the diplomat luggage (1 and 2) back in 2007 when I tried to replace a broken wheel. So this one really last for a long time: at least from 2007

December 18, 2023
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