America poverty issue – series I

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My 1st impression on America

In summer 1997 when I 1st came to the USA, I noticed the street at Rolla (middle of Missouri) was quite clean. It’s just I was in a honeymoon period with America and I didn’t notice.

In recent years I saw more panhandlers at intersections (also seeing panhandlers playing fake violin too); this is not entirely new. But it’s getting worse nowadays.

At Louisiana, people got crazy at Walmart, old story (I wrote this a while ago):

The food stamp program, we all learned a few months ago, the madness at Louisiana Walmart store, basically when the food stamp recipients got opportunity to shop “unlimited”, they don’t have much self control.

Recent I had opportunity to have a new neighbor: sometimes things made me to think “Is poverty is a habit or a mindset”. Some of the things I think they can potentially improve on – less eat out or door dash delivery; in addition to cook more, be more self-sufficient overall, for example clean up their own snow on driveway, walk to the grocery store or gas station and so on.

I recall when I was new to the US, I shop at Aldi and discount store near Rolla. I also lived in dirt cheap or government subsidized apartment and drove old car. I recall the rent for the 1st apartment was about $70 a month back in 1997. It doesn’t have air conditioning for summer.

At my 1st real job in St. Louis: I noticed cleaning lady always brought a brown bag when came in the pm cleaning duty. But I cannot say for sure that she brought that brown bag, or she bought food from nearby Burger King every time. If it’s the latter, it would probably cost her at least one hour of the custodian work for that fast food. Adding up bus fees, I don’t think she has much left for her 2 to 3 hours office cleaning part time work.

Things we can do or have some control

Be kind to others.

Also, trust but verify. Refer to my old car accident: 最倒霉的一次, 过绿灯时车被一个黑人撞了(估计是急着去上班). 跟她说好大家把车都停到加油站, 结果她趁机跑掉. 第二天自己当了一回侦探把她抓到, 她又没有买保险.


Teach our kids right: to be expanded

YouTube Videos

Or those problems may have existed 27 years ago? Look at the PBS documentary by Bill Moyer Two American Families: 1991-2024 (full documentary) | FRONTLINE below.

Also another one The Working Poor | The Price of the American Dream | ENDEVR Documentary made by ENDEVRDocs. This reminds me of the Movie The_Florida_Project that I watched a while ago.

To be watched for me: PBS Left Behind

What’s Being Hidden: Questions persist in deadly Amazon warehouse tornado investigation

Why I am living in my car/suv

Last but not least: today’s YT video I took when I was doing morning walk at the Stacy Park

Odds and Ends

A while back, I do some travel for work. And also, it was post 9-11, airlines were trying to charge people for checking in luggage. So, what happens is people check in the luggage at the gate, because for smaller airplanes, we cannot carry on large carry on or luggage anyway, note that doesn’t cost money. For a while, especially in cold winter, when we got off the airplane, and waited there for the luggage. I would think: are we at a developing country? Somehow that left me impression.

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