Category: Software development

Reading Time: 4 minutes (11-06-2023) Design with Reach has some deals for the Herman Miller chairs. The website popup says 20% off (not sure if it can be stacked on the existing 25% off offer). (09-25-2023) And now I realized I had an issue with the jeans. Googled it and it seems people were talking about it on Reddit.

May 19, 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute Note: the Amazon links are my Amazon Associate Link. I don’t think you will pay extra buying from Amazon through this link, but I will get a small commission from it. I paid $159.87 for Apple AirPods Pro (series number: SH36DK17G0C6L) at Amazon on November 25, 2020, and I just saw it’s $219.99 on Amazon

February 20, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 01-07-2024) Was doing some hashtag#productionSupport this past week, for the most part. At one time, it reminded me once at the credit card company, we let the one (out of 6) node (server) running for 8+ hours during the maintenance window, before we brought the other 5 nodes back online. hashtag#theFun hashtag#withProduction hashtag#SRE (Original

November 16, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes Community night, open house, curriculum night,… the bottomline is, they are all “meet the teachers” night. It’s not as hard as “meet the parents” (I recall there was a movie with that name). Because of pandemic, last few years, meet the teachers have mostly virtual or drive through, to avoid large crowd etc. And I

September 1, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute In my old job at the credit card 💳 co. I did support for a while and once I spent about 2 hours giving cardholder about 1.3 cents worth of US dollar. Today the roles reversed. Btw, Serenity said she was proud of me (assuming she was complementing I was the cool 😎 guy). What

August 18, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute also Btw, I sense the current market probably wiped out a lot of new retail investors (home gamers in Jim Cramer’s words), or many new Robinhood app users. Last but not least, is this transitory?

June 11, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute Link to all videos; course overview page. I saw the first video (Introduction, Financial Terms and Concepts) a while ago. Some background on instructor Dr. Jake Xia. Portfolio Management (also by Jake Xia)

May 23, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes The stock market continued its downward trend this past week, and on Friday, S&P 500 went down 20% from the beginning of the year, and it officially tested the bear market (20% down is a measurement of bear market). But, per other measures, such as Schiller PE, it’s 36 as of 04-01-2022 (may down a

May 22, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute High profile or high impact outage or incidents are just a way of the life in modern internet, or public cloud. The key is to recover quickly from the incident, and learn from those incidents: post mortem analysis, or in some places they do root cause analysis or RCA, and in my personal opinion, RCA

February 4, 2022
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