Reading Time: < 1 minute To the river city after 20 hours travel. I fell into sleep before the small airplane (RJ-85) landed in St. Louis, at 3:15 PM local time. There was some delay in Shanghai airport but things worked out OK because the flight NW20 from Tokyo to Minneapolis was waiting for us. It’s 16 degree F (about

February 19, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes St. Louis, flurries, high 18 F, low 7 F, that’s -7 C to -13 C. Shanghai, snow, high 41°F (5°C), low 38°F (3°C). Shanghai also had its first round of snow today. When I was talking to the taxi driver this morning, he told me his daughter was really excited about the snow because she

February 18, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute This afternoon I exchanged my last USD 80 at Bank of China in Kerry center. After that I only have $ 8 left at my pocket. I am not extremely disciplined at budgeting. But I think another reason is whenever I saw something in the RMB price, I tended to divide it by 8. This

February 17, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I was a bit tired of big meals these days. I think I should blame myself for lack of self control. But there are just so many good food in Shanghai I can not resist. The buffet in “Home Inn (Ru Jia)” was good, especially the Ru Jia near Xu Jia Hui. So I ate

February 16, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute After I upgraded from version 5.0 to 7.5, I had some problems using MSN messenger. Basically when I start the Windows, it will start up the 5.0 first, and then launch the 7.5 version. In doing so it will sign out from 5.0 and then sign in the 7.5. So I will see two or

February 16, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes I was pretty frustrated on my programming these two days. I know I am not the smartest guy among software engineers in my company, or for that matter, not the smartest guy in my school years either. I still remember when I was in elementary school my teacher once told my parents that I have

February 15, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I found the new Google China blog a bit interesting. Especially the article about Valentines day.

February 14, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute On my way out of office, about 6:15 PM, I saw a flower delivery guy asking “how do I find this girl named…, is this Kerry center?” It seems to me this guy will have little chance to get the roses delivered. On the metro and the streets, I saw many guys and girls holding

February 14, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Pudong 浦东 is well-known these days because it stands for the development of new Shanghai. I remember in 1980s there is a saying in Shanghai: 宁要浦西一张床,不要浦东一间房. Translated in English, it says people would rather want a bed in Pu Xi than a room in Pudong. Not any more. From what I heard from my friends

February 13, 2006


Reading Time: 2 minutes On the bus to Ningbo (Beilun), I fell asleep. I needed this break — past 2 weeks were not easy for me, I felt much relaxed when I could go home. I have choosen the bus ever since the highway from Shanghai to Ningbo was complete and the bus service launched. I still remember the

February 12, 2006
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