Reading Time: < 1 minute It looks like it. The unusually warm Winter in the US. The continuing cut of OPEC’s crude production. The change of hands in US congress (oil companies’ friends are no longer in charge). The emerging of alternative energy: solar is reality now, just by looking at the solar Panel manufacturers’ IPOs on the Nasdaq lately. Not surprisingly,

January 11, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, just a day after Steve unveiled the iPod phone (so called iPhone by many people, don’t know whether Steve actually used that name). Cisco obviously did not appreciate that its very own iPhone name being used…they filed a lawsuit. As we know, those kinds of lawsuits are about money, I bet there are some happy lawyers

January 10, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard about the “angel investor” term a while ago, but I have not thought seriously about their profiles, their networth, etc. This is until recently I thought about doing this myself, I mean providing seed money for some Internet startup in China. I think in general angel investors are rich people 🙂 As a

January 10, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I was on shopping spree on stocks lately. Since I bought the Panera Bread (PNRA) last Friday, this Monday I bought some Telestone (TSTC), a Chinese wireless equipment maker; on Tuesday I bought some Ninetowns (NINE), a China based software company not new to me because I lost money on it in the past 🙁 These are two speculative plays. Telestone

January 10, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s not the first time Apple jumped into the mobile phone party, they teamed up with Motorola and came up with this RAZR. Obviously Steve Jobs is not satisfied with that, and today at MacWorld show he unveiled the iPod Phone (or iPhone as people call it, although legally Cisco owned that name). If you

January 9, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s official, the United Airlines won the battle. It will fly from Washington Dulles to Beijing, connecting two capitals. It appears to me American Airlines was the front runner but their pilot union doesn’t want to fly more than 15 hours from Dallas to Beijing, and that basically pulled AA out of race. I was

January 9, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute That’s from Andy Xie, former chief economist for Morgan Stanley (Asia), here is the link. The article is in Chinese. Basically he is saying the high PE ratio of Chinese domestic stocks can not be justified by the growth of economy. The profitability of company and the prosperity of economy are two separate things. Among the factors pushing up the stocks prices, he mentioned the

January 9, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute My roommate, an American guy in his mid 20s, has been looking for a house (condo, duplex) for a while. By “a while” I meant he probablly have done this for about 9 months. I understand he has many reasons for this long process: first he was new to St. Louis when he relocated from

January 8, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute The party is finally here. The ticker symbol is 601628 (not available at Yahoo Finance yet), it was priced at 18.88 (lots of 8 here). And it could go to 30s (note I usually make wrong guess, so take it for what it worth…) The ticker symbol in Hongkong is 2628.HK (from Yahoo Finance). And LFC is

January 8, 2007
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